Monday, February 27, 2012

WMRL Learning Journal Blog

I'd like to start by saying Julie did an excellent job teaching us how to use eReaders!  I felt comfortable with eReaders before the classes but now I feel even better.  I really enjoy using and learning about the latest technology.  I have been exposed to computers from the time I was in elementary school.  I had to take computer classes ALL through school until I graduated from college.  I think growing up around evolving technology helps one to understand and enjoy it. 
When a patron comes in to the library, I jump at the chance to help them with their eReaders!  Thankfully, this training started right after Christmas when a lot of people received eReaders as gifts.  We've had an influx of patrons, with eReaders, needing help.
As far as my "a-ha" moments go, I think learning which eReaders you can download books to without the aid of a computer would be my biggest.  Now, I can help patrons understand what steps they must go through to download a book from the Digital Consortium to their eReader.  Unfortunately, not all eReaders are created equal.  Each device varies to some degree, depending on it's wifi and operating system capabilities.
I'm by no means an expert on these new digital devices but, I enjoy helping and learning with the patrons.  Futhermore, I would like to state that nothing can replace the feel, smell and enjoyment of reading an actual book.  I cherish our "out-dated" mode of reading.  Besides, you can get a real book wet and still be able to read it after it drys out.  Electronic devices do not share the same privilege.  Even though I enjoy our technological advances, I'll always go back to my dusty bookshelf for a good book.

Rachel Elliott
Ruth Enlow Library

1 comment:

Julie Z. said...

Thank you for your post, Rachel. Although no one can truly predict the future, I believe that eReaders will not replace printed eBooks. Instead, they'll exist in tandem and they'll cater to different audiences. Regardless of what some die-hard fans might say, I believe neither mode is better than the other; it all comes down to personal preference. It's like anything else nowadays - we can get almost everything in multiple modes: snail mail vs email ; real bowling vs wii bowling ; window shopping vs eBay. We're all just going to do what works for us! :)