Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Whatever it Takes! with Julie Gaver

Yesterday, on Monday, March 26 in Frostburg I had the chance to attend Julie Gaver's workshop, "Whatever it Takes! Building Camaraderie, Enthusiasm, & Team Play." I'd never had the chance to meet Julie before, though I'd heard OF her as a great training facilitator, so it was a great opportunity to connect. I like that it gave all of us across the region a chance to engage in some fun team building activities in mixed tables as well.

Takeaway #1: I think most of us have heard this phrased in some way before, but it never hurts reminding ourselves of it: We each have tasks that we need to accomplish, so let's get them done in way that allows us to have the most fun at the same time. I think it's very similar to the "Fish Philosophy" idea.

Takeaway #2: Attitude matters. Each of us can very quickly set the tone for those around us. Though I try to always keep this in mind, the next time I feel a sigh coming on I'll try to stifle it before I start spreading Eeyore vibes around!

Takeaway #3: At 3 of the 4 tables the exact same set of four values were identified as most important (table 4 was very similar): Cooperation, Reliability, Responsiveness, & Integrity. Values we can all believe in.


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