Friday, May 30, 2014

Dancing Like a Scientist

Dancing Like a Scientist
April 8, 2014
Presenter: Amanda Layton, Wolftrap Master Teaching Artist

Program Description
How can dance promote the natural scientist in all children? Dancers use many of the same skills to explore their world as scientist--observing, classifying, predicting, experimenting and communicating. The natural connections between dance, movement, and science can empower children to learn, understand, and apply scientific inquiry process to all areas of learning.

My summary
Through many interactive exercises, Ms. Layton showed the audience how dance could be used to teach pre-science skills to even preschool children. Some of the exercises were too involved, or would require more time or space than I usually have available. But encouraging "observational language" is something easily incorporated into all programs. And her magic wand was wonderful and I want one.

How it fits in the bigger picture
By encouraging the children to approach any activity using observation, classifying, predict, experimenting and communicating in a fun way, you help prepare them to use these skills throughout their lives.

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