Thursday, July 16, 2015

ALA Annual Conference 2015

Author Name: Elizabeth Hulett
Library System: Western Maryland Regional Library

Top 3 things learned:

I attended several different sessions at the ALA Conference in June 2015 including once called No Sugarcoating Allowed: Four Honest Perspectives on Change Management. From this session I learned that there are several stages that people go through during change and one of them is grieving. Many people feel they are losing something when things change and those feelings need to be acknowledged and respected. It is also crucial to keep people well informed during the change process so they feel included and feel that their opinions are being heard. Also, expect problems and setbacks and be prepared for them. Those managing the change should also not take everything on themselves. Delegation of tasks will not only lead to buy-in from the staff, but will also relieve some
of the stress brought on by the changes.

How to implement: 

If a major change were to take place in my organization I would make sure to keep all staff informed about the reason for the change, what the steps are going to be to achieve the change and what is the
envisioned result.

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