Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Learning Reflection: Basics of Book Repair

Submitted on Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Full Name: Aimee Rutt
Library System: Washington County Free Library

Event Title: Basics of Book Repair

Top 3 things learned:
- How to "tip pages" back in to books they have been torn from
- How to stiffen paperbacks to make them sturdier
- How to reattach a cover to a paperback book or hardback book

How to implement: 

I think that the easiest method for us to implement at our
library would be "tipping" single torn pages back in to their books. The
glue keeps the torn pages in place better than tape and makes them hold up
better. The other repair methods that were taught may prove difficult to
implement at our library (especially outside of tech processing) due to the
high volume of books that we have to repair on a regular basis and the time
that it takes to repair a single book.

Additional learning: I think if anything, I would like to learn a more time
efficient method of repairing books that could be practiced regularly in the
branches, and would still uphold the integrity of the books in a similar

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