Wednesday, March 25, 2009


When I attended Mid-winter I received a really nice handout about how beginners can get started with podcasting. It is pretty informative and lengthy, but I'm going to try and set up some of the main points here. You could probably get more information by going to and looking at the resources for Teen Tech Week.

What is a podcast?: It's a digital recording that you can put on your computer or personal communication device.

Why do podcasts with teens?
  • Record major events such as talent seaches, author visits, open mic nights
  • Booktalking-this is a great way to get teens to review books and to share the reviews
  • Showcase creative projects
  • Discussions or information that you may want to share
  • Archive important stories or information

Equipment Needed:

PC microphone or digital voice recorder

Recording/editing software


For more information on he recording and uploading of the podcast, check out the YALSA site listed above!

Podcasting Resources:

Teen Podcasters Network

Podcasts & Teens-Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki-

Podcasting 101

Podcasting Toolkit

I am really interested in getting some of this going with my county. I know that Allegany is also working on this. If you are working on podcasting in your county/branch, please share your ideas!

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